Saturday, January 24, 2009

Roomate, Kawan Roomate and dot, dot, dot.....

9.43 PM

Hye once again, and as you can predict yes i wrote this blog in my notepad. Because there is no wireless network in my brother's studio. He is making a debut album that is gonna be released in the music store soon. Hurm, i just came back to KL from Sungai Petani Kedah. The night before our date to go back to KL me, sue, epa and epa's bf Afiq, went to Baling Ulu Legong to have a hot spring swim. It was RELAXING!! I lost weight just a day being in the hot spring and my hair grows a little longer then usual. And my problematic dandruff is gone because the hot spring cure it. Weeeee!!!! it was awesome!!!

We reach The hot sring around 2.30 in the morning. And left around 4.30 AM. It was a blast and i really enjoyed it!! Its like once you get in the hot steamy water all your problems are gone and being solved, its like being inside the hot srping could help you with your troubles. I was so OMG!!!!

It was really fun and it was WORTH IT!! The second time i'm going to the hot spring again i am gonna bring my biey with me. Hhehehehe!!!


hOney bUnny said...

nice pic dude..!
such an unforgotten memOries!
nnt bg pic aritu eh..?

Shin Ju said...

Hehehe..mummy, i tink itle de xkne sgt lah ng ur story..huhuhu "Roomate, Kawan Roomate and dot,dot..." lets we change to "lembu tgah jln..." hahaha...
Mummy,nxt time,if u bring ur biey..i pun nk itot gak..hehehe..

p/s: nati email pic2 tue eyh..

suria said...

huhhuh bkn lembu la tapi kerbau.
sbb smua dlm keta pon prangai cam kervoo hahahhha

mumy, ade cite disebalik langgar lembu tuh la..
hahaha itu antara roomate dan dot dot dot...

hOney bUnny said...

hahaha...suria poyo...nutting hppen..tett..tett..tett..