Monday, November 17, 2008


Its weird when someone said that you are important in his or her life, In the end you feel something wrong between the relationship you have. You felt the urge to leave them, but never did left. In the end, you regretted that u did not do the right thing and in the end that person is the ones that left you behind. All those promises, and all those words are meaningless. There are alot of human beings out there in the world and why should we stuck with just one. I should have think before i mislead my self into believing that what you say and did to me was nevertheless just a figment of an act to make me feel comfortable, thus giving you the advantage to control my feelings and emotions towards you. But in the end, what you expect for me to understand you is so incredibly apprehensive that made the understanding that i made towards you to nothing. Of course i understand you, but truthfully, you are the same as someone i knew that is not being themselves truthfully first, and later you take advantage of it and make more negative attitude. When you want someone to like you, or to accept the way you are, please don't take advantage of them. When they feel that they are being treated like that, they will do the same thing to you and thus you will assume that both of you are the same and you will make an excuse saying that your attitude is like this, asking people to accept the way you are, saying that all your friends are like this. Truthfully, they did that because they just want you to know how they felt, no wonder they keep on talking bad things about you behind your back.

You keep on saying that everyone is your bestfriend, till they believe that you are the only person they think as a true friend. But in reality, u just want sympathy on people, u just want the desire of attention only to you, to make you feel that you are important. But to me, to have a real bestfriend, is when you don't feel neglected by them, to feel that you are being appreciated, is not selfish and always think of others need. But, my point there is wrong that neither one of it fits you. I am so dissapointed of your selfishness. Don't make an excuse because of some family related problem or friends problem. I have countered many people with much more worst situation then yours, and they just do fine in life and also in friends. Because they can think. Even though your academic performance is great, but still you are infact people who is so lack of intelligence in over going life and reality. You simply think of fantasy even little kids could think of. Lying is not the most appropriate thing to do, it brings out the worst of you. You tend to be all snotty and show off when you have everything, but when you don't, you just go to the flow. That is what i call being such a faker. You tend to talk things that you don't know and make it sound that you know, but in fact you are making a fool out of yourself and people know it, they just keep quite hoping that you realize what you're doing, thinking that you are old enough to think by your own.

I can go on with the prospect i have, and its up to you to just take it and take your time to think of what you have done, what you don't quite understand yet about your friends and what mistake have you ever did and lied to them on something.

till then,
stay tuned.


Shin Ju said...

wawahahah su send her regard to you..
we miss u so much..
tmrw is my last paper...

wahh..sungguh mndalam la..
but for who huh??