napa u mesti juga bagi sakit i...napa...?>???? sumthing i ndak bagi????? anything yg u ndak puas hati????? i give everthing u want....i just hope u faham nie bah dgn apa yg i mo....
ask ur self....
after dis will u kol me....and pujuk me atau just bg biar jak me..???
dunno wat to say..... im a guy tapi stil ndak salah i nangis kan!!!!!! so let me lyke dis/..
Friday, December 12, 2008
from my heart~
Posted by Deekay at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What i chose....
I chose for not being literally what i want,
I chose to have a successful life,
I chose not to fully trust people even though they are my best.best.bestest friend (if i have any),
I chose to be who i am,
I chose to be serious, wise,independent and decision making,
I chose to be who i am right now,
A smart woman.
I chose what i feel is best for me,
I chose to feel superior,
I chose on how to enjoy in a distinguish manner,
I chose to be not a slut,
I chose to be a bitch whenever i want to,
I chose to hate those who think they are mature,
I chose the figment of my imagination against enemy's,
I chose lovers and friends,
And i can surely choose whether to leave or stay,
I chose what i want,
And i choose to fix any mishap of myself,
I chose to be the cream among the cream,
I chose to be what i want in life,
And what i chose made me happy.
I chose how to discipline myself,
I chose how i should act with people,
I chose how to interact with stupid people,
I chose to accept and decline facts,
I chose to break the law,
I chose to be evil minded,
I chose to have an ice-queen heart,
I chose my life,
I chose who should judge me,
I chose who i hate,
I chose on which people should not be my friend,
I chose my decision,
I chose profound love,
I chose love,
I chose not all friends gives benefit,
I chose that friends will not last long,
I chose to have friends will a mindset like me,
I chose the perfect love for me,
I chose who to respect and who should respect me,
I chose to be myself,
I chose that the past is just a tactic to slow you down,
I chose that people who hates me does not have any future,
I chose who could be my friends,
And lastly i chose to be a lawyer and a musician.
Posted by Deekay at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Posted by Deekay at 3:38 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Its a hot and sunny day outside, Just drove to petronas Mart to buy some ice-cream in a drift manner, hehehe ;P. Somehow i felt that i need someone new, someone that could brighten my day, someone that could be with me 24 hours, someone that could say i'll be there for you in any circumstances. I've just had a really pissed of conversation yesterday with someone. Its not a conversation actually its mere instant messaging (YM). Anyhow, all that person could say is "hehehehe", "ish u diz", "no bha" and etc. And what i found out from that conversation is that the person was not serious. That person thinks that i was only blabbering some stupid thoughts of mine. But infact, it gave a huge impact towards our current relationship. Although that person said that that person could not live without me, and say that the person is all tied up with me, i don't give a damn. Why can't i do all those things but if that person wants to do the same thing i was doing back then, i gave permission to that person. I felt that it is not equal, I felt different about that person, i no longer have the same feeling about that person, my perception about that person totally changed. And i don't even understand that person anymore. All that person wants is just about themselves.
I'm sick and tired going through these phase again, i'm sick of all the excuses that the person have given me, and i'm sick of everything. When i think about letting that person go, the thought about other person approaching that person kinda pissed me off. Does that mean i still have feelings for that person?? But i just can't stand that person's act of which that person has terribly done to me. That person do not know that what that person did left a huge scar deep in my heart. I wanted to do the samething, but i loved that person dearly and i do not want to do the same mistake as that person did to me.
So, i have lots to say, but i'm afraid of the outcome if i write more about the person.
Yours truly..
Stay tune
Posted by Deekay at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Another one of those memory blues
I'm sitting on my bed, bored by the nothing-ness of doing nothing except online-ning? huh. I was having a flash back where, when i am in a situation like this in UITM Kedah, i would usually knock on my friends door, that is situated in front of my room, and chat with them. If not, i would walk and go up the stairs to sue's room. If not going to either rooms, i would go to the mini mart that is situated beneath my level. But now is a whole new condition, i can't walk to either's room or to the mini mart, but just going up and down the stairs, to the living room, the dining room and to the kitchen. Going outside was not in the idea because there's nothing to do. Usually i would study during these times of hour and would be doing my assignments. But now, i have nothing to do, no studying, no assignments because i have finished everything and my time in UITM Kedah. Its kinda sad and emotional feeling to think back and said "Those were the days", *sigh*.
As i think back, i actually want to stay on in UITM Kedah, where everywhere is cheap and everything is cheap. I miss going to the food court, I miss walking out to the Rental cars, and in fact i miss everything. And weird it is, i miss kedah and penang.
The journey to penang airport after my final was very distressing. I was driving to penang airport and it was the utmost sad feeling i had. I was remembering all the memories i had back then. Going to batu feringghi, the road to komtar, queensbay and everything. Its such a memory. And along the way when i was driving, i flashed back everything i had in penang in a silent feeling of sadness.
So i miss everything that eventually lead me to the emo blues. hahahaha!!! anyway, life must go on right. Let it pass what its past. And go forward to reach your goal.
Yours truly,
Stay tuned!!
Posted by Deekay at 8:37 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
love you..!!!
OMG ney i just can't help it...i miss you so much.....you're just the one that i cannot lose in my life.....i love you so much... i want you to be beside me always...i dunno why eventho kadang2 u always buat me marah, but still my love for u tdk pernah pudar nie bah....i love you so much...to all the people yg baca this post....I LOVE MY ney so much...!!!!!!!! i don't want to lose her.... i syg her so much more then my life.....ney....The first time i jumpa u i sudah syang u this so much....hurmmmm.....dunno why...i stil remmeber...i saw u coming out from your house...a little bit chubby..but still my love for u tdk kurang juga.....so its not physically that made me sayang u but....hurmm....dunno lar....its because of i mmg syg u this so much...and i cannot lose u even for one day...NEY!!!!! I LOVE YOU BAH!!!!....and i'm sad......u teda wif me....hurm..........i want u bah....hurmmm come back bah...i syg u dis...i noe kadang2 i buat silap...tapi tdk bermakna i curang dgn u...cuz i ndak pernah pun terlintas mo curang dgn u bah...i wan us to be mo sweet bah...sweet memory only we remember...
ok....i syg u...just now i kol u betapa bahagia nya me dgr suara u.....tapi im too happy until i cry+senyum....love you bha...until now wanna chat wif my ney....yeahhh
Posted by Deekay at 8:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Its weird when someone said that you are important in his or her life, In the end you feel something wrong between the relationship you have. You felt the urge to leave them, but never did left. In the end, you regretted that u did not do the right thing and in the end that person is the ones that left you behind. All those promises, and all those words are meaningless. There are alot of human beings out there in the world and why should we stuck with just one. I should have think before i mislead my self into believing that what you say and did to me was nevertheless just a figment of an act to make me feel comfortable, thus giving you the advantage to control my feelings and emotions towards you. But in the end, what you expect for me to understand you is so incredibly apprehensive that made the understanding that i made towards you to nothing. Of course i understand you, but truthfully, you are the same as someone i knew that is not being themselves truthfully first, and later you take advantage of it and make more negative attitude. When you want someone to like you, or to accept the way you are, please don't take advantage of them. When they feel that they are being treated like that, they will do the same thing to you and thus you will assume that both of you are the same and you will make an excuse saying that your attitude is like this, asking people to accept the way you are, saying that all your friends are like this. Truthfully, they did that because they just want you to know how they felt, no wonder they keep on talking bad things about you behind your back.
You keep on saying that everyone is your bestfriend, till they believe that you are the only person they think as a true friend. But in reality, u just want sympathy on people, u just want the desire of attention only to you, to make you feel that you are important. But to me, to have a real bestfriend, is when you don't feel neglected by them, to feel that you are being appreciated, is not selfish and always think of others need. But, my point there is wrong that neither one of it fits you. I am so dissapointed of your selfishness. Don't make an excuse because of some family related problem or friends problem. I have countered many people with much more worst situation then yours, and they just do fine in life and also in friends. Because they can think. Even though your academic performance is great, but still you are infact people who is so lack of intelligence in over going life and reality. You simply think of fantasy even little kids could think of. Lying is not the most appropriate thing to do, it brings out the worst of you. You tend to be all snotty and show off when you have everything, but when you don't, you just go to the flow. That is what i call being such a faker. You tend to talk things that you don't know and make it sound that you know, but in fact you are making a fool out of yourself and people know it, they just keep quite hoping that you realize what you're doing, thinking that you are old enough to think by your own.
I can go on with the prospect i have, and its up to you to just take it and take your time to think of what you have done, what you don't quite understand yet about your friends and what mistake have you ever did and lied to them on something.
till then,
stay tuned.
Posted by Deekay at 6:02 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
only for you dk mazrianah
Neyi wan u to know dat i love u more den everything in my life and u shud noe dat sejak dari awal lagi i kenal you. And now we are having a really big problem....and we will try to solve dis problem cuz for me, everthing can be settled....dari me...i want u 2 change cuz that will make me feel better agen...i ony want u to ckp baik2 dgn me cuz now u owez cakap dgn me suka hati u jak...and u ndak pernah mo fikir apa akibat dari pa u buat dat....it will make me feel down...u pun tau jgak kan dat i nie sensitive pnya org, my hati is really fragile..so plz take care of this heart...and u owez penting kan apa yg u mo dulu....u owez ckap dgn i fikir apa yg org tu mo juga...u mo i buat mcm tu cuz mo i fikir bout u dulu apa yg u want...but u din do dat cuz apa yg u mo only about pa yg u fikir.....thats why i marah......and u i sudah ajar u mcam2 cara how to take care my hati tapi not all pun u buat, fine if not all i pun tia kisah tapi lagi banyak u bg sakit hati i dari u bg i rasa sweet...tu yg i lagi ndak suka...and i sudah blajar ndak mo kongkong u.....tapi everytime u ask me u wanna go out....u owez ask dgn suara yg not nice, then u will paksa me....kan lagi bagus if u ask me bagus2....if u ask me bagus2 and mana u mo pigi tu tmpt bagus mustahil i ndak bagi lar........i ndak pernah mo marah u bah ney kalau u ndak pernah mo buat me marh....just small thing tu i can tahan lar if once in a while tapi kalau sudah small thing kena buat balik2 and everyday berulang2 memang i sakit hatilar.....so dun ckp small thing tu besak jak k... i hope u still remember dis picture..i simpan dis picture cuz i feel dat is the time yg i feel u so sweet....dunno why maybe cuz baru kenal.....ney about break up tu i pernah terfikir and cuz i fikir to make me cry....so u bayang kan lar even ony think bout dat sudah make me cry apa lagi kalau i break up wif u so I DONT WANT IT TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dun wanna let u go bah...sampai bila2...i akan cuba sedaya upaya i untuk kekal dgn u cuz i love you so much..... so ney im sory if i ada ckp sumthing yg buat u sakit ati....but trust me i ndak bermaksud pun...its for our own good k...i love you ney so much...so plz start from now 4.27 pm 13/november/2008 thursday..plz change k...i tia mo we menyesal dgn apa yg kita tdk buat ok...love you so muchh.....
Posted by Deekay at 12:04 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Really tired
There's a reason why i said that i am so freaking tired. I am freaking tired to think of things that is way out of my league, such as, to think of damn losers who acts so much like a child and never do get the will power to change. Pity, they are gonna be the same even when they grow up. And i hate to think back those old days even though its good or bad, but somehow somewhere i hate to think of those stupid memories i had back then. I am really tired when people don't tend to realize their mistake on their own. I am really tired when people loves to lie even though their friends. I am really tired to try and to cooperate with people who can't even be ethical (sopan) in both ways even with friends or anybody (except enemies). I am really tired to think about enemies who really get's in my way, yep, you know who you are.
I am really tired of all the things they did to me, either good or bad. I am really tired to think of the consequences, that i know people may not follow and it hits them real hard, then they'll believe every thing i told them. I am really tired of all the things i did and never do feel appreciated. I am really tired to hear about people boast about stuff that they never really had and boast about stories they think they know but actually its a false starts. I am really tired of people who looks down on others. I am really tired of people who loves to mimic others or copying others. I am really tired of hypocrites. I am really tired who just DON'T GET IT!!. I am really tired of people who is really a pain in the ass.
I am really tired of people who acts so much like she's a star. I am tired of people who really believe in fantasy. I am really tired of people who likes to act cool like an adult but actually their NOT! I am really tired of people who can't even pronounce the word thank you, sorry, forgive me, and etc. I am really tired of people who don't have aims in life. I am really tired of people that is childish, annoying, lack of intelligence and immature. I am really tired of people who likes to take advantage of others. I am really tired of people that has the simplest minds of the stupidest people in the world. I am really tired to people who loves to be a bias. I am really tired of people who thinks that they are so perfect. I really am tired of people who can't keep promises. I am really tired of people that is snobbish, selfish and who doesn't even try his or her best to work hard. I am really tired of people that is really stupid.
Above all, i am really tired...oh wait, not tired, really really fucking hate people who does not be themselves and tries to act so "oh i'm cool" when actually their not. Really hate people who loves to steal others self-esteem. Moreover, i hate people who disintegrates everything that i have spoken up there, and things that i have not spoken that is fucking bad then the ones i have spoken. Get it?? If not, read it back again..
Posted by Deekay at 6:51 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
What my birthday means...
Your Birthdate: March 22 |
![]() You tend to be understated and under appreciated. You have a hidden force to do amazing things, doing them your own way. People may see you as strange and shy, but they know little. Your unconventional ways have more power than they (and even you) know. Your strength: Standing up for what you know is true Your weakness: You tend to be picky and rigid Your power color: Silver Your power symbol: Square Your power month: April |
Posted by Deekay at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The end of final!!!!
It is such a relief to be out from the final blues. Yeap, Everyone was really happy. And to think about it, i have some pictures to share with all of you. Before the last last paper starts (that's law) and the after the last last paper, hehehe..it is such a relief!!! Everyone was like, "oh damn!!!" kinda situation. yep, this was it, don't be persuaded by our looks of happy before the finals hahaha!!! anyway, more to come, Muker kiteorg nie semua muker pasrah!! hehehe TENSHION!!
Yep, everyone was like trying to memorize all the cases and the acts, the law, the names, the elements, the everything!!! yes, that is how tension we all are. The what do you call it, memorizension, cool huh, hahaha!!! anyway, here we were, at that same place for all our final papers, sitting down on the floor, reading notes, memorizing everything, thinking about it makes me feel more nostalgic about it, huhu, sob, sob..anyway, it was a 2 hours paper, for the last last final paper. And this is the picture after we've finished our last last final paper, hehehe..
hehehe, yep, this is the after..all of us are like so happy!!!! after that, me and my friends went to o' town, opposite village mall, hehe..we were wanting to eat o'town since the beginning of final. Belle, Anur and Panda was like " Nooooo!!! after finla la!!!!" and sue was like "i want MCD!!!!" and i was like "Shut up!!!" Sgt2 menaikkan keinginan makan benda2 tu!! huh!! yea anyway, after the final we planned to go to Bukit Merah as our last convo ride with the boys. It was so much fun!!! we all went all the slides and not all the rides la, so keinginan...huhuhu..we took pictures at the entrance and everwhere!!! hehehe... here's the picture..
hehehehe cool huh!!! this is the before we went swimming clothes. It was a blast!!!! there were 5 girls and 17 guys. The guys of course were my friends. But yea, its like almost all of the pre-lawrian guys most of it went down to BM!!! damn!!! after that, all of us got sunburn, we were like " HELL NO!!!"..hahaha...need to put more pictures!!!!! yep...anyway, we were all very happy and excited!!!! hehehehe..
Posted by Deekay at 5:59 AM 2 comments
Labels: T
Friday, November 7, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Everyone's statement:
Deekay: Huhuhuhu, just made wani panda cry...huhu...sorry~ huhu..anyway...yeah!!!!!! Love you guys so much!!!! hehehehe...Tdk lama lg abish final yeahahahaha!!! weeeee!!!! orait!!! after that can go jln2!!! hehehehe!!! have fun babeh!!! hehehe!!!
Bella: Yeah...mummy i love you so much...but just now u put dat cat on my leg..i wont
forgive u for that..geli tau mummy!! ~ huh..another one you like to buli my
ardeeana,hurm..jahat...tapi overall i love you so much and hope you wont forget
me in Shah Alam later huh..if u lupe i, i guin to do sumthing to ur cat...
Ardeeana Natasya: mummy deekay jahat..always buli me!!nnt mamau fren wit mummy deekay..and i will kick your cat if u buli me again.
wanie panda: huuu mummy soriii... tadi tension sket.. eventho we just knl dis sem.. but u are my mummy.. i love you so much.. and please dun forget that tau...mumy sgt takut wit newspaper.. wahaha...now i can bully her wit that..yehaha..mumy fart a lot.. time tido pon kentot.bluekkk!
suria sue: mummy deekay alwys fart silence!! hahah she's my true fren n i love u so much even u crazy fucker bitch...but inside u my angel n survivor hahaha xoxoxo u my laughter and my sweechie poochie bestie. We quarrel and we being sakit ati to ech other but it only took 15mnits threfore its useless when we fought..hahaha sweet memory!!~ hope we keep our sacred friendship last long...Fyi, i alwys get taik donggot from mumy...eeeeaauuwww disgusting!!! but no matter what i still love u for who u are..coz we grew to be the true we are...Cheers!!~ hold on to the true friendship!
annur cute: mummy!!!! I love you gul!!! Hahaha.. i've never met anyone like you.. A diamond in the ruff.. You have so many side of you that i can't never expect to came out.. Crazy one time, serious one time, and so damn matured suddenly.. Never get bored with your attitude... Cheer up my days and nights la mummy... Funny funny FUNNY!!!!.. That is all i can describe you (for now la)... But still, the farting is not normal dude... hahahaha.. hope we'll be as close as this forever k mummy... Don't be a skimpy biatch and a poser k... knowing you, i know you won't... Thats why i LOVE you!!!!! =)
Hehehehe...So that's what my friends said. They're the closest thing that have ever happen to me..:D...so yea!!!!! that is why i love them so much!!!!!!! hehehehe
Posted by Deekay at 4:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I don't be friends with people whom i already hate. Even though they ask for forgiveness or want to do something to correct it. So what, i don't keep grudges because it is so " Oh not me", I don't want to even look at that particular person because what she did is really DEEP. Only people who does that to me will i never be friends again. Seek for forgiveness, what the hell, its not about forgiveness or whatever that is equivalent to it, its how you did something REALLY4 wrong. And there are few person's whom i feel disgusted with. Even though they seek for forgiveness i still, and yea, "whatever" i forgive them, but i still stick with my priorities, is that, never be friends or acknowledge of their existence ever again. So, yea, dendam??? That is so not me, that is a immature act and a childish act to do. Me??? deekay??? whatever~ I am me. When i hate someone, i don't intend to be all mesra to them. Just like i said, don't cari pasal with me. i HATE SOMEONE BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE YOU. So stop all your immature act. okay~..Only i miracle could make me be ok with you. Its not about you changing yourself so that people would like you, its about what you physically did and verbally did. Even though whatever sorry ker aper ker, i forgive ker, i will still don't like you for who you are. Kesian sgt you jadi mcm nie. huh!
Posted by Deekay at 6:43 AM 1 comments
For the only person i LOVE
This blog is dedicated to the one and only love of my life. He's name is Hafeez Almudin, he's a year older then me and were both from Likas, kota Kinabalu Sabah. He calls me Ney and i call him biey. We are 7 hours apart from each other right now. And yea, i am missing him so badly. We know each other from friendster. He viewed my profile, so i viewed his. This occur after my SPM on the 16 of December 2006. He sent me a Testimonial and stated that whether my initial "M" where i wore it around my neck, is my name or my boyfriends name. So i replied back saying that it is my name and i asked why? He said that he was curious about the initial M. And so he asked for my YM. So i gave it to him. I onlined, and so did he. However it was only a short chat, because i was bored and there's nothing to talk about. After that, we did not chat for about 1 month, but still, i don't know why i kept on viewing his pictures in his profile and so does he viewed mine too. Apparently, we had a crush onto each other but we just ignored the feeling. So, one day, I onlined, and so does he, he buzz me several times, and i was pissed off because i was listening to some cool music. So i buzz him back acknowledging his call. So, from that part and so on is what brings that story that what made us together now and for all eternity. As our relationship grew, there are our ups and downs, there are times when he looked gloomy and sad
He is sad because sometimes i am being to rough on him. And there are times where i did not give him any attention at all. Because i was being so selfish that i wanted more attention from him, i wanted more "manja-ness" from him. He gave me everything that i wanted, but only me. He only wanted some time from me, he wanted to express his feelings towards me, but i just ignored it. Yea, i know, i may be bad, but i am trying so hard to be good to him. But i do not do this thing very often la. Its that just sometimes i wanted to change badly so that he could be happy. Just this afternoon we had a big fight. I made him really sad and say things that i should not say. But as phrases goes through our minds when we are mad just slipped through my mouth. I just wish that he could be there right infront of me and give me a huge slap on the face. Then i know that he really want me for ever. Sometimes i feel bad about him when he is being so nice to me. Because when i think back i always break his heart. Not the kind of "oh i have other boyfriends besides him or i slept with another guy, or i kissed another guy" NO!!!!!! i'm not like that!! I am very faithful when it comes to pure REAL relationship, and i am lucky because i got someone who really cares for me. I love him so much and i never wanna let him go!! Also, there are times when were both are really happy!!! :D...This is when we see each other face to face. I love him so much when i could see his face near mine, when i can feel his warm hands onto my hands. I just love him so much!!
Only when we see each other then will we be very lovable. I just can't stand the long distance were having!! i'm very happy if i could see him everyday physically. I love him so dear much when he is not here with me, if i just think about him, my heart is about to explode because he's not right here beside me. I want to hold him, because i sayang him so much. I love him till eternity!! Biey, i know sometimes i could be really a pain in the ass sometimes, but i always loved you, and there's no other guy beside you in my life. I want us to be together forever and i want to have a life and future with you. I love you so much biey, there's no other words could explain how deep is my love for you. Just mere words are not enough to cover up all of my feelings and love towards you. I miss you. Everyday, every second, every moment of my life. I need you badly. I just want you to be beside me for all eternity. I just want my time to be done here in Kedah so that When i am in Shah Alam i could see my biey!!!! yay!!!! i'm so happy that i could see you darling!!! hehehe..
And i am sorry, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY SORRY for anything that i have done to you. It's just that, i did not notice my fault until you point it out to me. By then it was too late for you were heart broken and my apologize was not enough to cover your heart. All that i want you to know is that i loved you so much darling, more the words itself.
...I love you so much darling!!!
Yours truly,
Posted by Deekay at 5:07 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Spending the day out in the campus
Yes, you may say that we are crazy to do this stuff before finals. But hey, we've spent alot of time studying until just that one time you feel that your brain is about to explode. Me, sek, a-nor, and panda wani. Sue was not in the picture because she went out with kak epa. So anyway, yup...we actually went to the stadium and played lontar peluru (using a stone)..so yea~ eventually, it is crazy but yea, it was fun..Wanted to put in the video, but there's some minor technical problem, so nevermind la. Anyway, yea, besides that, we went jumping seriously it was so much fun!!! hehehe..this is annur's jump..apparently, yea, she is small and yes, when she jump, its like woah~...haha
Told ya we had so much fun. And not forgetting panda's jump!!! Star jump with sek acting like a mouse in search of a whole. Sek!!! Whole??? Lubang??? hehehe..
Told ya she's a star...and not forgetting mine too!! hehe.....
so yea, practically, we had so much fun!!! hehe...and not to forget, sek..bergila time tu..hehe..
And yea, we all had a terrific and jolly time. Who would'nt!!! the picture of me and sek sitting and standing on a concrete tube is at the monkey bar section, near to malinja college. Yep, we were out spending some good joyful time!! Hehehe.. cool huh!!!! camera girl, sek!!! hehehehe... But the most memorable picture that will always be remebered is the logo of uitm Kedah,
Due ekor beruk kat blkg tu pun SS gak tgkp gmbr. hahahahahaha!!!!
Posted by Deekay at 5:43 AM 5 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Kinda sad..
My topic for today is yea...kinda sad. I'm feeling a bit sad because i am trying to ignore my biey due to my final's next week. And yea, kinda sad that i will be leaving UITM kedah in a short moment in time. All the memories that i gain from staying here, will just mere memories of discreet time in my head. Remembering those times makes my tears making its way through my eyes. And the feeling of those memories will make me miss this place even more.
Just two days ago, Where the last day of class occurred in B3 and in TEC13. Kinda sad leaving my lecturers. Though we took lots of pictures. hehehehe..And mdm. Shafinah recorded us on her camera. Must be very touching to watch the video all over again to look at the past. hurmm...feeling a bit emo right now, hehehe.
Well, must move on with our life right, so yea, what is past, let be the pass and leave it as a memorie. So so long. Maybe this is the last blog i would be writing here in UITM mERbok kedah, or i think the second. heheh..
nyway, till then,
stay tuned.
Posted by Deekay at 1:29 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Battling my final sem this year
Its been a year and a half since i have been in UITM merbok kedah. Alot has pass and new once to gain. Old memories to fade and up-coming gonna be new memories.
Alot have changed in me. More understanding on the term of blurrrrrr~ hahaa!! I think i'm crapping. Nyways..i had so much fun here in Kedah. Although i have my ups and down here in Sungai Petani Kedah. But hey, who's to blame??
The first time you step into Kedah, you will ask " hey, what's for entertainment?" And yea...same thing goes to everyone. And, they will usually say this. Penang. Each and every first year students will sakai...everyday go to penang. waste money on the useless trip. And yes, eventually, i have been alot on those useless trips. But if a planed one, yea..its rather enjoyable.
The first thing people would do in penang, is to go to queensbay and gurney. After that, Batu feringghi. After that, Momo, SS, Moist and bla, bla,bla...hahaha!!! And the typical stay in Sri sayang condominium. At a cheap and rather interesting rate.
What i have learn here in Kedah is that, everyones a hypocrite and every where's there's hypocrites. The girls and the guys here in Kedah are all the same. But only a quarter of them that is really nice. The guys are like BULLSHIT and the girls here are like BITCH. What more to say to them when they are in the condition of a culture shock. tsk,tsk,stk. May you all burn in hell someday with all the fucking bullshit you do.
Anyway, please ignore the anesthetic of my language. Yes, back to the issue. And also what i have learn here in kedah is you surely can't stop racial Discrimination. God damn they sure want the may 16 tragedy to happen all over again. ( is it 16 or 13) not quite sure, but yea, i know the story.
The City lights kids are like, fuck i'm not gonna be friends with you kampung kids. Well, lets not forget where you're parents and grandparents are from. Its lucky for you because you don't have to go through the pain they do to make your family rich back on the old days.
And a typical Human being, Bila sdh bnyk duit, lupa dah daratan. Alot happen to malay, chinese and even indian people. But the most humble of all when they have lots of money are the chinese and indian people. I solute them, even more, i love them. To be truthfull, i am not fond of the malay system. I hate the malay system!!! they are so bias. Hey its not the chinese and the indian's fault that the malay's are way back. You got all the advantages of schools, and the words that "melayu diutamakan". But i did not see any hardwork on to anything. kalau ada pun segelintir je. The most i hear to be a lawyer, an engineer, a pilot MOST are the chinese and indian, because they work hard. Because if they don't work hard, they can't survive here because everything is for the malay. But with high grades and high education of learning, yea, they (chinese and indian) can get anything they want. And the same goes to the malay, but there's still a long way to go.
Hurm...Not to sound All bias and all, but i'm not. Chinese and indian's too have their own wrong doings but hey. Who started it first.
I believe my crappiness is out of the topic. So yea...what ever...its my blog and i can do anything am i right. You drop a fucking comment on my page, you'll get a fucking immature permanent title to your Dignity. If you don't have any, you sure are an idiot human.
so, till then..and stay tune..
Posted by Deekay at 3:37 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
All the things she do
As time flies by, you realize that you are happy with what you got. As for me, i'm thankful with everything that i have right now. Of course everyone has their own opinion, but still, be thankful and you will get more than what you bargain on what you want.
Anyway, I have made lovers, friends and best friends into my life. Giving permission to them to enter my life. Just three days ago i went to KL to visit my biey. Missed him so much. Here's our picture:
So yea, eventually. HE'S MINE!!!!!!!!!
And also, what lead me to believe in friendship back again is always the term of unbelievably fucking hard. I don't tend to have friends who actually accept me, But Life have thought me alot, and i am willingly accepting the fact that yes, friends that granted my permission to enter my life.
So since then, i have been telling my self that, yep, you can always have lots of friends and real true friends in your life. But do you trust each and everyone of them? So be smart, Don't fall into a trap!!!! When a person could say verbally say that you are his or her bestfriend, i'm telling you, they are just doing that because they just want attention. Changing bestfriends, changing friends. All they want is the advantage they get when they are with you.
So, i have lots of friends, and among these friends that i have, the only person that i trust most is Sue. My one and only bestfriend. Too many bestfriends make relationship of friends more complicated. For example, when you favour you other friend, your other friend will get jealous and thus war broke through. So in the end, you will end up with one bestfriend, but still you will also be surrounded by friends who also cares for you. I DISLIKE DRAMA, so yea, i keep things to the minimum.
Here's the picture of sue, the only person (friend) that i allowed to know everything about my life.
So yea, that's her. (Poyo kan)...hehehe...anyway, the rest of my friends, is also the ones that i trust too. Only them i trust. Kiteorg bosan so ambik gmbr arrr!! hehehe..
So yea, apparently those are the person that is dearest to me. My biey, i lovehims o much, even tho he could sometimes be a very pain in the ass, But i sayang him soooooooooooo much!!!! And i pun can sometimes be a very pain in the ass to him sometimes. hehehehe...so yea apparently we're the same.
Sue, when you guys look at us, you will say that were the bad ass peopz. But when you know us, you will take back on what you say bout us. And the rest, are my good friends EVER!!! (Only in the picture)...haha!!!
So yea anyway, stay tune,
till then!!!
Posted by Deekay at 10:22 AM 8 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Everybody is always curious. How do i live my life? Who's my friends when i was in sekolah rendah and sekolah menengah? Well to tell you the truth, i'm just plain simple. But not that simple as you think.
Well to start of, I have been introduced to the world on the 22nd of march approximately on the afternoon if i'm not mistaken. Yes, i sedar when i dikeluarkan dari rahim ibuku (whatever!!!).. Anyway, at the age of 3 years old, I've been sent to kindergarten until i was 6 years old. So yea, i spent 3 years in kindergarten. And the schools name was Tunasari, and it exists until now. I do still remember that i was so lazy to go to kindergarten that time and my mom would usually force me to wake up. Hahaha!!! My friends in kindergarten was a bit of a so so. As usual, i went to kindergarten with my cousin. So yea, she's my friend back then. We do had other friends but not as close as us. Yes i know, COUSINS!!! So anyway, when we were about to finish kindergarten, we were given this borang to our parents to state where are we going to school at during our primary year. All of my friends in kindergarten followed my cousin to St. Francis. But i went to S.R.K. ST. AGNES. Yup, there i was, excited to be in primary one. Oe what ever!! Anyway, when i was in primary one, My best friends name was Nurain Nasir. She sat beside me. But the thing is, when i was in primary one, i always cried, i needed my mommy~ yep, the same thing goes to my other cousin that is schooling at the same place as i am. heheheh..Anyway, yea..Oe yea, back to my best friend during that time. I think that she is pissed off at me until now because i did not attended to her birthday party together with our friends who are in the same class. She went to my birthday party, but i did not went to hers, Because i got something going on at that time. So most probably, yea, she's pissed off about that. Then when we were in primary two, she got more friends then me, like she wanted a revenge or something because of what happened during primary one. Seriously when i was in primary one, i was really well-known then her.
so off to primary two. Yea, she got more friends then me just because she was the grandchild of a menteri besar in Sabah at that time. So yea, everyone wanted to be friends with her. In primary two, i was close friends with my cousin again. hahaha!!! we stayed together until we were in primary three. Yep, same class since primary two. We were friends with this twin, Evelin and Evelina. God i still remember their names! Yep, she was all, very how you say, poyo, loves attention from the guys and so on. Where else me, i'm more of a tomboyish and athletic loving girl. Hahaha!! But to make me more the her, i was always top in class, and she would be around almost back of the class. But still i love her, because she's my cousin!!! And when i am in primary 3 is when i started wearing glasses. Seriously, when i wore glasses that time, everyone was like following up what i do back then. Its like i'm the trend setter that time. So yea, what the hell, i was a bit of the highlight there. Oe yea, did i tell you that i was in england during my primary two and three?? and four. Yup!! hahahaha...no lies, but all truth, this is where you will get to know my personality in the end of the story.. :)
So next, i'm in primary four. This is when i am, what do you call it, back together with my ex-best friend in primary one. But we were not as close as we were in primary one. This time, okay i mengaku, she's more front then me. People loves her, anyone will believe what she said because she's Intan Nurain. Well as me, i'm the athletic type of person, where i don't do any geddik stuff. And i am always alone during primary four and five. But yea, i don't care.So primary 5 is the same thing as when i am in primary 4. So on it goes to primary 6. Primary six this time, i am quite brutal. Oe yea, forgot to tell ya, started brutality since primary 3. When i am in Primary six, i was the top athlete in school. And well, yea, everyone knows who DK. is. Primary six is where you take your UPSR right? Yep, still remember, during primary six is where i got to know couples. He's name was kennedy Victor ongkili. Yep, no kidding. When i think back, i was like, " What the hell i was thinking back then?????!!!!!" And during my life, i was actully part of the semenanjung life, because it is considered my second home, i always go to KL every month. Yup..serious...no kidding.
So anyway, it lasted only when we were in primary six. Lama tu, mau dekat 1 tahun la jgk. So anyway, i broke up with him when i'm in secondary school. Before i entered secondary school, i was with this mike guy. He's name was Mike Jermaine Imbayan. Yup.. another one of " OMG!!!!!" But then i broke up with him. And i dump him for this guy, Harizal Lokman. Lasted for one week, then i dump him for he's brother, Helmi lokman. Yup, i know, what the fucking hell am i doing!!!. So on it goes, on what do they call it, puppy love~ hehehe..during at that time, i also coupled with this other guy named chirstopher and i dump him for Zahir. God, don't ask me how i remembered those names..haha!! Well to tell ya, i was a bit huge back when i was in form 1, but not like damn!!! your fat!!! no la, just berisi la. My best friend back then was Roseane. Yup, To tell you the truth, i was really a bad student when i'm in form 1. Doing stuff that was really, how do you call it, samseng. Kaki pukul, kaki escape, kaki melawan and all that stuff. I even almost bakar my teachers car, with a gasoline and a lighter up in my hand infront of her!!! And i did manage to bakar some, but did not bakar the whole car because the other teacher saw what is going on earlier and took the fire extinguisher first. So yea, oe and i did that after school, where all the student balik ody. Yes, from this point of view you will say that i am one of a bad ass student back then. Was almost being sent to hendrigurny , school for really bad ass students. But nah, i din get it, and i only get suspended from school for only three days. Cool huh??..So anyway, on it goes, after dibebel oleh parents ku yg bengang gyler dah, i tried to change. So i did tried step-by-step.
When i was in form two, i was really how to say, a bit quite then in form 1. Yep, Rosanne was kick out from school, because she wanted to proof to peopz that she is more bad ass then me. Idiot, at least when i'm a bad ass, my academic performance was excellent!!! Anyway, yea, back to form two. I got skinny when i'm in form two due to my ulcer in my throat. Yep, and at that time came, my other boyfriend. My bf's when i was in form 1 dah break up dah, this is the newest. So tahan for 6 month jer. I got bored over him and rimas. hahaha!!! jahat gyler, he's name was Dexter Randy. Yep, he was in form 5 and i'm in form 2. cool huh~..hahaha!! anyway, during that year in form 2 is where i don't have any bestfriends because, oe well, i don't want to. They tend to get all competition. Yuck, and as usuall, still the sports woman in all my years in High school. So yea, form 2 was a bit bowrink. Oe yea, and in form two, is where i coupled another guy before dexter, he's name is Burhanuddin (Donny)..Lasted for just urm...One month lebih, itu jak la. Then after him was dexter and after dexter was Rio. He is a form 4 student. Yup. And in form 1,2 still maintain keganasan ku. cheh!!!! So next is when i am in form three. Form three is where i got skinnier then before. I was transferred to a better class, where i was in science class number three. We have six classes all together, 3 science class and 3 commerce class. So yea, At that time, yep, still no best friends. Cause i don't trust a fucking damn thing on them. So i Really kept quite and i observe people. Seriously, i learnt alot about peoples behavior and life. I was like kononnya budak baik la time tu. Cheh padahal, tgk file aku time form 1 huh, baik sgt la konon~..tebal gyla nak mampus!! so, form three is where i started to open up my wings and be friends with a wide variety of people. And yea, that is where you get to know their COLOURS..if you know what i mean. And time tu juga i followed Hand ball. Diakatakan, paling ganas antara semua pemain, was me. Agak la, for 1 year and a half tahan tak pukul org tak bwat things yg extreme, during hand ball match is where i can hit, tendang, peluk sampai sesak nafas dier cz nak bola, hehehehe...smua la dpt dilps geram. But i slalu dpt 2 minute out la. hehehehe!! When i am in form three, i was with this guy named uzair, but it lasted only a day, after bye bye. haha!! So yea, life goes on like that until i'm in form 4.
Form four was a bit different. I took the liberty to chnage my not so myself, to a little bit of my self, because iw anted to see how people will react. Will they see me as someone interesting? fun? boring? or like when i am in form 1? But hell, who cares what people say. Still no bestfriend when i am in form 4 and also in form 5. Just close friends. So yea, form 4 is where i meet this guy, he's name is sky. Actually, i know him since i am in form three. yep. And i coupled with him at the end of form three's year. Yep. Form four, i'm a bit gangster. So i'm being friends with this group, actually my group until NOW!! Iejam, the pendek, Lisa the bikin panas, ae the slumber, ann the whatever bitch and me the don't care person. And the 5 of us, is like, if you gather us all up, you can say that, the four of us, except lisa, is the partay girls, wild girls right now. But but when we were in form 4, study, is the main thing, and also boys. hehehehe..So i coupled with sky and at the same time, i coupled with salawi and donny. But donny went back to Tawau ody so left me, salawi and sky. But at the end of it, no on is worth it. But i was still with sky for almost 2 years.
So when i am in form five, i was very active in athletics. Always training in the morning and in the evening. At that time also, i coupled with sabah most fastest runner at that time, Rayzam shah, he's from keningau. Yup he's tall, really tall and really fast!!! gyla eyh!!! after that, nah, bored, so i switch to Ivan. Ivan is mix phillipino and irish if i am not mistaken. So ciut!!!!!! hehehe...dulu la~ very tegap, my height, and yea, he's cool, but still din work out. lasted for only a week. Boring~...So after that, this guy from S.M.K tebobon. Dunnoe what he's name sdh. hahaha!!! And during when i am in form five i coupled back with helmi and kennedy my ex-bf's..HAHAHA!!! really funny. But both of them only lasted a month. So SPM that time was coming, i was focusing on my studies. Until i met Ian. God!!!! He's just to perfect!!!! But he's shorter then me. but hell, what the fuck who gives a damn!!! He's school is not that far from mine, you just take the bus and it takes only 5 minutes. So yea, DURING YA, DURING SPM, everyday, every morning, he would just wait for me on the building opposite my school, and i would go to him. EVERY DAY TAU!!!! and each subject that he had finished, he would wait for me outside my school and would wait till i have finished my exam. This goes on for like what, the whole month!!! gyla eyh!!!
So yea, I broke up with him after SPM. sad, sad, sad. but hell, who cares. He would bake me cakes sometimes and give it to me. Sweet~ but what ever. So after SPM i went to KL. Lepas geram, shopping, hehehehe. So i always on9 when i stayed in KL. So one day, i saw this guy viewed me on fs. I was like who the hell are you?? So i viewed he's profile back, i don't know for some reason i have the urge to want to know this guy!! yea, he look cute weyh!!! hehehe, so yea, he message me, asking me why was i wearing the initial M? He asks me whether that is my bf Name, i was like no, its my name, then he ask for my YM so i gave it to him la. So we chat, A very sgt kjap wan, because i was like so boring chatting with him. Teda apa maw dicrita kan. hahaha!!! oe yea, he's name is hafeez. hehehehe..So i went back to KK before christmas, and Kevin my friend, is celebrating christmas so he invited me over at he's christmas function in Tanjung aru ballroom, so i went there la. Anyhow, i met this guy, he's name was kingsley. damn Gorgeous weyh!!!!! hehehee...anyhow, yea, we danced together and my what a good looking and good dancer was he is. Hehehe. So he invited me to go to the rave party during new year, so i agreed to go. And hafeez, we were just like that, ignoring each other, i was actually waiting for him to buzz me everytime we on9. hehehe...but yea, so went to the new year's eve party, and yea, it was a bad one EVER!!!! He got drunk, and i was like taking care of him, he is so damn stupid, tp sangkut jgk b4 rave party tu, we were like bf and gf. hahaha!!! so yea, anyway, after that, went home and yea, have a nice sleep.
So after a week or som baru la hafeez nie, slalu buzz i d YM, cz i rs he lonely this. hahaha!!! So yea, he minta my phone number, so i give it to him la.
So he always called me, ALWAYS KAY!!! and i don't know for some reason, i am really attracted to this guy, and i don't know for what reason!!! i was crazy, so yea, we met each other, infront of my house, He drove he's BMW, and when he went out from he's car to meet me, i was like, okay~ he's okay~ he's wow!!!!! so the next day went out with him, but before i couple with him, there's nother guy who i really menyesal tu kesian at him, Zahid ka dat his name, dunno la forgot ody. So i broke up with him because i really wanted to know this hafeez guy. He 's not that handsome or cute, but there's something about him that made me so attracted to him. hehehehe
So anyway, went out together, and we actually confessed each other as bf and gf on the 26th and january 2007. Yep, that's it...
So on it goes with our realtionship, hehehe...then aku terkena pula PLKN...haih, 3 bulan wasted bikin hitam muka. haih!!!! but it was worth it la. During that time, i missed my biey so much. So after that, i straight away went to UITM kedah because i was offered to go there. So go la.
The MMS sucks!!!!!!
The first person that i get to know is Weena, honey and lilo. Me and weena were Best friends during part one, but i cancelled the BF thing because it was complicated to explain. So i moved on. When i moved on, i notice that, hell, yea, i'm going to show my full appearence to people whether they accept me or not FUCK THEM!!! i am me!!! So what the hell, you got a problem come and tell me straight forward. So i met this one girl, Her name is Suria, But i call her Sue. She was also at the term of, not showing her full personality and appearence because of adik kesygn dier and jgk Best fren dier time tu. hehehehe!!! BARU KO TAW!!!! So yea, Nie BFF dier pula nie, tak sgt suke ngan aku, so mula ar dier bwat plan dier yg tak teratur tu and tak menjadi jgk tu. Is that, She took me away from sue, and convinced me that sue actually backstabbed me, when actually she didint, and it was her, sue's bff time tu the one that backstabbed me. So was really pissed off la when i am in part 2. Did not talk to sue the whole sem until dah nak finla baru la ok balik itu pun, i p jmpa dier and ask her whether or not its true that she backstabbed me. And all truth broke loose and everything and showed the true colours of SARAH YASMIN! what she did to us, and what she did to ruin our names. But one thing for sure, she is sure Fucking afraid of her mother!! Kalau aku report jer kat ibu dier yg selama nie dier slalu gune kan nama aku dan sue untuk cover kan perbuatan dier, just because aku dan sue org ckp kitorg jahat, aku boleh ckp anak awak tu bukan la innocent sgt, nak bukti, come see me and sue. Bnyk bukti kiteorg. But recently, dier mcm diam jer, so..kesimpulan dier, selagi you x kacau hidop kiteorg, selagi tu la kiteorg x kacau. But once you made a FUCKING HUGE mistake to us, You sure gonna get it.
So anyway, yea...Bila everything dah diketahui, baru la kiteorg bermaafan. And masing2 grew up. She support me i support her. We grew to accept and love each other. And yea, i'm in part three right now, and yes, she is my utmost best friend ever. She is really a true friend. And that what made people realize that, you are who you are. Be yourself, that is what important. So what if people hates you, Why do you wanna listen to them? Do they feed you?? do they give you your dignity. Dignity comes from inside you. But once you are dirty in the inside although your pretty on the outside, What's the use of having a dignity, just be a whore la. And setia la pada yg satu. Buta aper nak ikut2 org. sedar la.. umur dah mencecah kematangan tp kalau perangai mcm budak2, buat per!!!! Hidup dlm usia remaja hanya sekali, so make good impression to them. Even tho kaw jahat ker per, just be yourself. Do not hide your real appearance behind a mask, people will eventually notice who you are without you knowing it.
So yea, this is it, yup. pnjg gyler babe~
anyway, till then....taaaaa~
Posted by Deekay at 9:26 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A hectic week going on
I'm in my room, as usual, onlining..(not sure if theres a word for it). Was supposed to have my test today, but sadly, it was postponed next week end. I should have slept through it the whole day. In these whole day, i was thinking, should i continue on to take this law course, or should i change? I almost cried because i was stressed out because of law contract. God i am week in that part. But no, i went to bella's and annur's room, we were talking about pursuing our law degree next year in shah alam. I asked them whether UM is also good, but sadly they said, when graduate, firms will usually take UITM students better because we study almost everything in English language. Like UM, they still study almost everything in BM. So yea, i get the idea of the advantage about it. Was thinking to pursue mass-com, they say that, students with pre-degree course will easily get in, but, its really hard to find a job with a graduate mass-com certificate. I almost called my mom, and wanted to cried and tell my mom that i feel so stressed out right now. But now i feel good, back to confident mode..hehehe...tomorrow i got my presentation and my law test. Studied contract just now, i just wish that i was the nest britney Spears to go bold. Yea!!!!! But nah, i love my hair, not that crack pot yet..hehe..So yea,
Stay tune, till then,,
Posted by Deekay at 4:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sorry, cause i was not able to put this picture together with my previous blog of pre law diner. Cause i just got this from Sue. Anyhow, here it is..pictures with my friends during pre law dinner. So this is with the girls in my table, And there's only one guy, so kesian..hahaha..
Weeeee!!! love my hair!!! hehee...
Posted by Deekay at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Pre Law dinner
Dinner with a big Smile on everyones faces.
Before the dinner starts. I was in my room watching the series of How i met your mother. It was a very funny comedy, till miera knocked on my door. She was asking me whether or not i'm going to do my hair in the afternoon. I was thinking that , may be i will, maybe i don't. Cause i was a bit lazy back then. The hardest part was to wake suria up. God damn she sure can sleep like she's dead. kidding!! Anyway, after watching three whole series of how i met your mother, Went up to sue's room. Just as u thought, she was still sleeping. HAHAHAHA!!!.. before i went on to setting up hair in the saloon, there was this big difference on the before and after hair thingy going on.. hahaha..here's the picture.. Yep...this was how my hair look like before i went to the saloon, normal, straight, spelling ME all over it. hahaha..Anyway so on it goes, Went to the saloon around 3 P.M..it was REALLY hot so i brought my umbrella with me just in case it rains, or....its getting more hotter. Went and take a cab to the saloon. Now this saloon, is my favorite of all time saloon, nope, it is not anywhere in CS..oh my god that place sucks!!! only a few of my friends that know that place, and it is full of pros of hair stylist. So it took only half an hour, to make my hair look like this...
Cool right~ and it only took half an hour to do it!!! They sure are pros. Oh and i made friends with them. Her Name is Grace, from penang, but works in SP. She is so cool..seriously..haha!! Anyway, yea..dinner, made it just in time for the bus...hehehe..a hair like that with a baju kurung, daring, VERY VERY VERY daring..not just me, but sue too. God damn..here's our picture at the dinner..
So there you have it, evidence of all of it.. hehe..eventhough the food was not enough, but still yea, they manage to pull it off. Hehehe..
Till then,, stay tuned everybody..~
Posted by Deekay at 11:45 PM 6 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
2008 raya
Raya this year was the most best thing that has ever happened. Although i got only 2 days too enjoy my raya, but still it was enjoyable but still tiring...hehe.
On the third day of raya, it was time for me to go back to KL, because i have to go back to kedah on the fotrth. So on it goes with the proceeding. When i reached KL on the third, i straight away called my BF sue to hang out with her. So all planed well and so the planning goes on.
At first was suppose to meet her at Old town in kelana jaya, but she was 2 hours late, GOD DAMN2 HOURS LATE!! bontot aku dah nak berkurap dah menunggu ketibaan yang mulia puteri santubong suria Norbahiah BTe Bashri...hahaha!! anyway, luckily she did came, or else i would be really pissed off.
So, met her friends as well, lily and miza. They're coOl, satu kepala jugak. hehehe..So we went to Asia Cafe, just to hang out. It was not a crazy night because some of them was having trouble with their love life, I my self that time was having trouble either but not the serious as to both of them lily and miza.
But the crazy-ness of the night started of when we got lost around subang going to kelana jaya. It was a stupid thing, yea of course because it was night and dark, so each of us has our own weakness that is, fail on sight direction at night. it took us and hour and a half to reach kelana jaya and reached my house too. hahaha...
And so it goes on, luckily i got home safe and sound. The next day my flight was at 3.15 p.m. I'm using firefly to get to kedah. But its a flight transit so i have to go penang and take the bus back to sungai petani. It was damn tiring and i could assure you that i SWEAR that is the first and last for me to take the jeti and the bus to sungai petani!!! It was horrible!!!
Luckily i reached UITM campus safe and sound. I was praying in my heart that i would be safe along the journey. damn~...
Hahaha, anyway, raya was a bit of a rush too..hurm...on the first day of raya went to papar and bongawan. went to my datuk and my long relatives of uncles. The next day went to keningau, on the way to keningau it was damn cold because we were up high at the gunung ( note to people, the gunung has its road for cars okay, its not like were going tracking or what, and the road is like your typical day road for driving). So we were amongst the cloud as the temperature reaches 18 degree's celcius..cool~..and my dad had to open the head lights because you can't even see the road and the cars that was passing by! even the other cars had their lights on. So yea..When we reached keningau, it was like i'm back in my second home, because when i was little, i spent almost half of my life there in keningau until i was primary three. Everytime when puasa occurs, we would spend a month and a half in keningau with my nenek and my cousins. But when God took my nenek away, the happiness for raya after was also taken, and raya is never the same like those old times. So yea, it was kinda depressing, but yea, that is life, gotta except it and bersyukur la on what we have right now rather then nothing at all.
So that's the story, hurmmm...kinda boring right now, cz there's nothing here. So stay tune, till then, taaaa~ =)
Posted by Deekay at 11:32 PM 0 comments